Healthy Tips, Weight Loss

Winter – The best season for WeightLoss

Winter the best season for weight loss

During winter, the body works hard to maintain its core temperature to ensure that the internal temperature remains stable. This process requires the body to burn many calories, which can result in some weight loss. Furthermore, due to the shorter days in winter, many people tend to sleep more. This extended sleep period can also reduce body weight as the body can rest and recover while limiting caloric intake.

Winter can be challenging to stick to a healthy lifestyle and weight loss plan. But with a few simple steps, you can make it easier to stay on track with your goals. Here are some tips for losing weight during the winter months:

1- Cover your body (Insulation)

It is essential to ensure you keep your body warm and insulated when exercising in cold temperatures. Layering your clothing is the best way to stay warm and protect your body from the cold; begin your workout wearing multiple layers of appropriate clothing, such as a base layer, t-shirt, and light jacket. As your body temperature increases during the workout, remove some of the layers to keep from overheating but make sure to put them back on during your cool down to maintain the insulation and stay warm. Additionally, consider wearing a hat, scarf, and gloves to cover the extremities and protect them from cold temperatures. It is essential to keep your body warm during outdoor activities and protect yourself from the cold to avoid potential health risks.

2- Keep yourself dry

It is essential to stay dry to keep your body temperature at a comfortable level in cold weather. It is essential to wear moisture-wicking fabrics to maintain optimal warmth and prevent wetness. Such fabrics are designed to draw sweat away from the skin and quickly evaporate, keeping you dry and comfortable. Investing in the right fabrics for cold weather can make a huge difference in regulating your body temperature.

3- Keep yourself Hydrated

Even though you may not feel as thirsty in winter, your body still needs an adequate intake of fluids to keep functioning at its best. Water is the best choice to stay hydrated. Aim to drink at least eight glasses of water a day, more if you engage in any physical activity. Doing so will ensure your body gets the hydration it needs to keep you healthy and active this winter

4- Maintain your workout schedule

When the chill of winter starts to set in, it may be time to move your workouts indoors.  There are plenty of ways to stay active without having to step outside. Our goal is to maintain a workout schedule that is consistent and effective. In any weight-loss journey, it is essential to track and control calorie intake and engage in regular physical activity. 

Here is some healthy food that helps keep you healthy in the winter.

1- Dring warm water every morning – drinking lukewarm water can help to kick-start your metabolism in the morning and provide a natural boost of energy.

2- Consume a Protein-rich breakfast – Eating a protein-rich breakfast is essential to maintaining a healthy and balanced diet. Protein helps to stabilize blood sugar levels and helps to prevent hunger cravings throughout the day.

3- For lunch, eat bajra/ ragi/ jowar roti with freshly cooked sabzi and dal–  jowar roti accompanied by freshly cooked sabzi and dal. This meal is an excellent combination of complex carbohydrates from the roti, protein from the dal, and vitamins and minerals from the sabzi.

4- Try Green tea and eat dry fruits, nuts, and seeds for snacks – Incorporating dry fruits, nuts, and seeds into your daily snacking regimen can easily improve your overall health. Not only do they provide an array of essential nutrients, they are also a great source of fiber, vitamins, and minerals.

5- Eat Panneer and a glass of turmeric milk – Paneer is a type of cheese rich in protein, calcium, and other micronutrients. Pairing paneer with a glass of turmeric milk may contribute to a balanced and nutritious meal. 


For personalized guidance, feel free to contact FitCoachSantosh

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