Weight Loss

Why Are We Gaining Weight?

If you look around you in your society, you will find 2 out of 5 are overweight; worldwide, obesity has increased nearly three times since 1975. In 2020, 39 million children under 5 were found obese or overweight. It is a serious issue to look at why we are gaining abnormal or excessive fat compared to previous days?

Weight gain is the net result of calories from the food you eat and calories you burn daily. If you eat more calories than you burn, the net result will be weight gain.

Let’s see the 5 causes of unintentional weight gain.

  1. Eating too much food.
    Highly processed food such as fast food, bakery items, chips, and fried items contains many calories but fewer nutrients. If you eat such food in your daily life instead of whole food, then there are more chances of gaining weight.
  2. Eating too many sweets.
    It has been proved a lot of time sweet items contain a lot of calories, and many studies have shown that eating too many calories may increase the risk of type-2 diabetes and heart disease.
  3. Sedentary Lifestyle
    An inactive or sedentary lifestyle increases the risk of Weight Gain and lifestyle diseases. If you spend maximum time on a chair or sofa, the chances of gaining weight increase. Doing at least 5 hours of exercise a week is always recommended. 
  4. Sleep and relaxation
    Sleep is the most important factor in your good health. Insufficient sleep can lead to weight gain. 7 hours of sleep is recommended for a healthy lifestyle. To increase your sleep quality, you may reduce caffeine intake and screen time, and you can read good books before bed. Meditation is also very helpful in relaxing your mind.
  5. Some Medical issues
    Certain medical conditions may play a role in weight gain. Hypothyroidism, Depression, PCOS, Diabetes. If you are on medication for the above disease, then take advice from your Doctor to reduce the side effect of medication used to treat these diseases. 

Conclusion :

Many factors contribute to unintentional weight gain. The major factors are poor sleep, lack of exercise, and a sedentary lifestyle.
To achieve your health goal, FitCoachSantosh can help you, and You can contact FitCoachSantosh at any time for better guidance.