Healthy Tips

The first step towards your good health is – Start Exercising

It’s no secret that to become healthier; you need to remain active. You will notice the many benefits of staying physically active if you do short workouts daily. By remaining active, you are improving your overall health and reducing your risk of developing obesity, heart disease, stroke, and type 2 diabetes. Additionally, regular physical activity can help improve mental health, increase energy levels, and reduce stress.

There are several easy exercises that you can adopt into your busy schedule.

  1. Simple Aerobic exercise – this is the simplest way to remain active. Simple aerobic exercise includes walking, swimming, and jogging. These exercises don’t require any equipment. You can exercise anytime, anywhere.
  2. Strength Training – Strength training is essential not only for physical appearance but for functional purposes as well. It can be as simple as doing bodyweight exercises at home or using dumbbells/resistance bands.
  3. Interval Training – This exercise alternates between high and low-intensity periods. This is more effective than steady-state cardio in terms of fat loss.

How to start?

Before starting a workout, first of all, decide on your realistic goal.

1- Always consult with your doctor before starting any new exercise regimen. This is an essential step in your journey to better health.

2- Once you have consulted with your doctor, the next step is to set a realistic goal and create a plan to help you achieve that goal. Work hard and stay focused on your plan, and you will see results in no time.

3- Find the partner – it is observed that if you work out along with like-minded people, you will become a long-term player, so find out a good partner for your workout journey. A workout partner can help improve your workouts’ motivation, form, and consistency. Look for someone with similar fitness goals and who you can trust to be a good partner.

Few tips for your new journey – 

1. Stay hydrated by drinking plenty of fluids and avoid becoming dehydrated.

2. Optimize your nutrition by eating healthy foods and getting the proper nutrients.

3. Warm up by stretching or doing light exercises before your workout.

4. Cool down by stretching or doing light exercises after your workout.

5. Listen to your body and be aware of how it feels during and after exercise.